Our Neighbourhood Plans 2021 – 2022

Our Neighbourhood Plans 2021 – 2022

Our 2021-22 Plans on a Page summarise the work that is going on in each neighbourhood across Manchester aligned to our priorities as an LCO. Our teams work together in neighbourhoods – delivering and designing services in partnership with local people.

Health care teams (such as district nursing teams) and social care teams are based in buildings together, in what we call integrated neighbourhood teams (INTs). That means care can be planned and delivered in a seamless way with teams taking a new joint approach to care.

Each plan has been developed by the INT Leadership teams with key partners and they set out 6 key priorities that each of the INTs will continue to focus on this year working with those partners to improve health and wellbeing in the neighbourhood, as well as tackle health inequalities.

Our approach is based on dividing Manchester into 12 neighbourhoods and tailoring care to local needs. The MLCO’s neighbourhood model is core to our Operating model; the 12 Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs), work with the 14 Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and local communities, within the 13 Neighbourhoods to deliver services tailored to local needs.

Helen Ibbott, Director of Strategy for MLCO, said “Enjoy reading our MLCO Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT) Plans on a Page that bring to life and summarise the work of our INTs with partners in our neighbourhoods in Manchester. Feel free to share them with colleagues to support their understanding of the work and impact of the MLCO in our neighbourhoods.”

You can download and read the Neighbourhood Plans by clicking on the links below or visit our Neighbourhood pages where you can find each specific plan and news and events in your neighbourhood.