New Models of Care

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New Models of Care

As well as delivering day-to-day community health and social care across the city, MLCO has developed a range of new models of care that are changing how community services work in.

Care has been designed based on international best practice with our health and care teams working together to deliver them. You can read about some of the new ways of working here:

Hospital at Home

Hospital at Home is a new model of care in the NHS that provides the acute level care and monitoring that patients expect in a hospital, delivered in the place they call home.
Click here to read more.

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams

Our neighbourhood approach to care in Manchester is based around 12 neighbourhood teams with NHS community health, adult social care and partners in the community working together.
Click here to read more.

Manchester Case Management

A pioneering scheme wrapping care and support around people with the most complex health and care needs in Manchester. Teams are led by a GP, working alongside a nurse, social worker, wellbeing adviser and pharmacist.
Click here to read more.

Manchester Macmillan Supportive and Palliative Care Service

A model of integrated palliative care for people in their last 12 months of life that is being rolled out citywide with funding from Macmillan.
Click here to read more.

Manchester Community Response

Manchester Community Response (MCR) is the umbrella name for a range of health and social care services that aim to provide short term care to keep people safe and well in the community and out of hospital.
Click here to read more.

Health Development Coordinators

Health Development Coordinators support neighbourhoods to identify priorities and opportunities, develop and deliver plans, co-design local solutions, and access resources to build community capacity and improve health and wellbeing.

Care Navigators

Care Navigators work with people who have many health and care needs and are receiving support from different agencies. Their focus is in simplifying peoples’ care journeys – signposting people to the right services for their needs.
Click here to read more.

Better Outcomes Better Lives

Better Outcomes Better Lives is our staff-led transformational programme in adult social care services in Manchester. It is embedding strengths-based practice across our services.

Click here to read more.