Manchester Community Response – North Manchester
Manchester Community Response (MCR) offers people a short-term period of rehabilitation for up to 6 weeks, according to the assessed needs of the person. The service aims to keep people safe and independent in their own homes.
In North Manchester, the following services come under the umbrella of MCR:
- North Manchester Crisis Response
- Home Pathway – Please click here for the Home Pathway Patient Leaflet [PDF approx. 223KB]
- Bed-based Units
- Reablement
- Discharge to Assess – Please click here for the Discharge to Assess Patient Leaflet [PDF approx. 223KB]
- Community IV
Our aim is to:
- Reduce hospital admissions
- Reduce long term admissions to care or nursing homes
- Support faster discharge from hospital
- Maximise people’s independence by helping them to remain in their own homes, supported in their own communities.
- People who need a short-term health and social care rehabilitation intervention
- People at risk of hospital admission who can be safely supported and managed in their own home or care/nursing home.
- Placing the person at the centre of support planning activity
- Promoting wellbeing and independence and enabling self-care – by focusing on the person’s strengths, goals and what matters to them
- Multidisciplinary working by health and social care professionals.
- Integrated working can reduce barriers and duplication and focus on what’s most important to the person we are helping.
- MCR also plays a big part in helping to relieve the pressure on our hospitals and primary care system, by providing a quick and timely response to cases that may have previously ended up going to hospital, unnecessarily.
- Over 18 years old
- Live in Manchester and / or registered with a Manchester GP
- Have a suitable home environment to return to or remain in (own home or care home)
- Able and willing to respond to a programme of care promoting rehabilitation and independence
- Able to have medical and nursing needs met in the community
- Deemed ‘medically fit’ if referred from an acute hospital bed
- The person must give their consent to the service
Crisis Response
Harpurhey District Office,
Moston Lane
M9 4DD
Phone: 0161 667 3292 / 0161 667 3293 /0161 617 3292
Reablement, home pathway and other services under the MCR umbrella operate seven days a week from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
The Crisis Response Service runs seven days a week, 8:30am to 10:00pm. Last referrals are 8:30pm.
Crisis Response Out of Hours Phone: 07816 064 131