Substance Misuse
Our Substance Misuse Team is made up of highly skilled practitioners who apply a huge breadth of knowledge, experience and passion for what they do to empower some of Manchester’s most vulnerable residents.
Their understanding and application of theory in this area means that people are supported in the right way, where they are at, and without judgement.
The team are trauma informed and look beyond a person’s presenting behaviours, acknowledging that somebody’s past can physically and mentally impact their present and future.
Our practitioners take the time needed to build trusted relationships with people, using motivational interviewing techniques to empower them to produce their own solutions. This enables people to feel in control of their own life, so that they can reach their own goals – however big or small.
The assessment process and access to rehab in Manchester has historically had a 70-80% success rate, year on year. This improves the lives, wellbeing, and health of the people we work with and their families. It also enables these people to give back socially and economically to their city of residence. Over the last 12 months, the Substance Misuse Team has enabled 59 people to reach their goal of total abstinence. 31 of these returned to Manchester and are economically active.
You can find out more about who we are and what we do in our service offer [PDF, 1.1MB].
Contact information
The team work hybrid with a base at Longsight District Office and the Abraham Moss Centre.
Phone: 0161 234 5371
Operating hours
We can help adults aged 18+ with a primary need of drugs and/or alcohol
To refer a person to our service, please contact the Manchester City Council Customer Contact Centre on 0161 234 5001. You can also share your referral by email. The email address is: