Information for families, community groups and staff.



This page provides resources from Manchester’s public health team about measles.

Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.

The easy read leaflets available to download below in different community languages, explain how measles spreads, what are the symptoms, how to protect you and loved ones by having the MMR vaccine and how to find out your vaccination status.

There is also a measles prevention animation below that explains the easy read information. It is ideal for sharing on social media platforms such as Facebook and X (Twitter) for people who wish to share the prevention information with their communities.

For more information about Measles and the symptoms visit Measles – NHS (

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Factsheet [PDF, 322KB]

Printable posters

Easy read information leaflets

Important information for parents and carers from Manchester’s public health team.

We have made a simple, easy read leaflet about measles. It tells you:

  • About measles
  • What the symptoms are
  • What problems measles can cause
  • About the measles vaccine. This is the best way to protect your child from measles
  • Where to find out more information.

The leaflet has been translated into the most spoken languages in Manchester. You can view them below (will open a PDF in a new tab).

Measles prevention animation

This animated film gives and overview of the information in the leaflets. It is ideal for sharing on social media platforms such as Facebook and X (Twitter).

You can view the animation below.


Measles Animation (for social media use)

Sized for mobile – 1920×80 pixels


Sized for desktop – 1080×80 pixels


British Sign Language videos of the easy read measles advice:

Greater Manchester version [mp4, 150.5MB]

Manchester version [mp4, 149.2MB]