Nominate an LCO STAR!

Nominate an LCO STAR!

Want to say thank you to a member of our team? LCO STARs (Special Thanks And Recognition) is a way to:

  • Say ‘thank you’ to a member of our staff in community health or adult social care
  • Recognise a LCO staff member contribution, attitude or dedication – no matter how big or small
  • Acknowledge if someone has done something which helped you, or who has just generally brightened your, or someone else’s day
During these tough times, we all know how important it is to say thank you and to acknowledge when someone has done something kind or thoughtful, or made us feel a little bit brighter.
The LCO STARs scheme means you can nominate a member of our staff who you would like to thank or acknowledge.

So, if there is someone you’d like to thank, or give a shout out to, or acknowledge for something they have done (big or small), please share this nomination on the form below.

Please visit our privacy policy for full details on how we will store your personal information.

You can also share your LCO Star nomination on social media, tag us in on Twitter (@mcrlco) and Facebook (@MCRLCO).

If you are an LCO staff member, please nominate your LCO STAR on the LCO extranet here.

LCO STARs Nomination Form

The LCO STARs scheme means you can nominate a member of our staff who you would like to thank or acknowledge.

  • (Name of staff member who you would like to nominate for an LCO Star)
  • Please include as much detail as possible