Falls Service – Central Manchester

Falls Service – Central Manchester

Anyone can have a fall but do you know that 1 in 3 people over 65 will fall each year? Having a fall is frightening and can affect your confidence. There are lots of things that can be done to reduce your risk of falling and improve your confidence.

Our service aims to help you to maintain your independence.

We see people who are:

  • Aged over 60 (or over 50 with a diagnosis of Osteoporosis)
  • Registered with a Central Manchester GP
  • Experiencing falls
  • Not currently active with another rehabilitation service, such as Intermediate Care

The falls team will visit you in your own home.

We can provide:

  • Falls management strategies
  • Advice and education on falls-related medical conditions
  • Tailored home and group exercise programmes
  • Environmental checks and equipment to reduce your risk of falls
  • Osteoporosis risk assessment
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Walking aids to reduce your risk of falls
  • Medication advice
  • Confidence building
  • Information about assistive technology
  • Anxiety management
  • Advice and education
  • Equipment

We also provide therapy and nurse-led Falls Prevention education sessions which can be tailored to suit the audience.  If you are a Scheme Manager or are involved in delivering a group in Central Manchester, please contact us by phone to discuss your needs.

We accept referrals by email, telephone or letter.

If you wish to discuss or to make a referral, contact us by phone. Anyone can refer to this service, you can even refer yourself

Email: mft.fallsteam@nhs.net

Phone: 0161 529 6566

Please leave a message on the answerphone if there is no-one available to take your call

Contact information

Central Manchester Community Falls ServiceAlexandra Park Health Centre2 Whitswood CloseManchesterM16 7AP

Phone: 0161 529 6566
Email: mft.fallsteam@nhs.net

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Always inform your GP if you have had a fall, and if necessary seek medical attention.

General Practitioners may be consulted prior to a home visit, to obtain relevant medical information.

If you wish to make a referral, please complete the Therapy Point of Access (TPA) referral form — TPA referral form [Word Doc approx. 19kb] — and email it to:

Email: mft.centralmcrcommunityrehab@nhs.net