Children’s Epilepsy Service

Children’s Epilepsy Service

The Children’s Epilepsy Nursing Service is responsible for all children with a diagnosis of epilepsy within Central, South and North Manchester. The team consists of three Children’s Epilepsy Specialist Nurses, who work closely with Consultant Paediatricians, Community Paediatricians and Paediatric Neurologists across Manchester.

We are a non-emergency service and can provide advice and support where required – relating to concordance with medication, seizure management and education.

We accept:

  • Children and Young people from birth up to their 16th birthday. They must be in full time education and under the care of a Consultant Paediatrician or Consultant Neurologist.
  • Children and young people with Complex Health Care Needs, from birth up to their 18th birthday who have an Education Health Care plan. They must be in full-time education and under the care of a Consultant Paediatrician or Consultant Neurologist.

Parents and carers can expect a home visit from the epilepsy nursing team within four weeks of the team receiving a referral. During the initial assessment parents and carers will be given a newly diagnosed epilepsy information pack which contains useful information and contact details for the team.

We also provide school care plans, as part of an initial assessment, to maintain safety should a seizure occur in school or nursery. School care plans are referenced under additional information below.

Referrals are generally received from a Consultant Paediatrician or Consultant Neurologist and must indicate that consent has been obtained from the parent or carer. The child or young person must have a confirmed diagnosis of epilepsy. To refer, please send a referral letter to

Parents and carers can also self-refer as long as your child has a diagnosis of epilepsy and is under the care of a community paediatrician or neurologist.

The nurse is happy to discuss any issues relating to your child’s epilepsy.  This can be via telephone, home visit or clinic appointment.  We can help determine what support can be offered or direct you to the appropriate service.

Contact Details:

Children’s Epilepsy Nursing Team
Charlestown Health Centre
Charlestown Road
M9 7ED

Phone: 0161 388 4032

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:30pm.