Children’s Hospital at Home Service
We are a team of experienced community paediatric nurses who provide home visits for children with acute illness, who would otherwise need to be in hospital.
Our aim is to facilitate safe early discharges from our Manchester hospitals for children and young people aged 0-16 who meet specific criteria. Without our service, these children may need a longer period of observation as an inpatient in hospital. Children in our service receive assessment and treatment from the comfort of home while remaining under the care of and receiving oversight from a paediatric consultant.
We currently see children and young people for three different conditions: Wheeze/asthma, bronchiolitis, and neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy.
Each child cared for by the hospital at home service, receives 2-4 contacts with the team daily, including at least one home visit. Whilst under the care of the service, parents can contact us at any time during service hours (8am-10pm) if they have any concerns or worries.
Our team of experienced nurses visit the child at home and provide assessment, treatment and monitoring until they no longer need our input and can be discharged.
We provide information and advice on:
- Signs to look out for that indicate the child may be becoming more poorly and needs further medical support in hospital.
- Education around managing potential future episodes at home
- Health education advice such as stopping smoking and safe sleeping.
Referrals are taken via telephone directly from the hospital medical team to ensure the safe transfer of care from hospital to home.
Contact Information
Children’s Hospital at Home Service
Children’s Community Nursing Team
Longsight Health Centre
Stockport Road
M13 0RR
If you are being cared for by the team and need to contact us, please call us on 0161 529 6630 and state you are under the hospital at home team.
If you are calling outside of our service hours for non-emergency advice, please contact NHS 111 or your GP Surgery in the first instance. In case of an emergency please contact 111 or 999 for immediate advice or support.
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday – 7 days a week, 8am to 10pm including bank holidays.