School Health Service

School Health Service

The Manchester School Health Service is commissioned by the MCC Population Health Team and provides holistic health and wellbeing support across Manchester’s key public health priorities. We operate citywide across Manchester working in partnership with schools to improve the health outcomes of children, young people and their families.

The service comprises six child-focused functions, namely; Immunisation; Screening and National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP); Safeguarding; the Healthy Child Programme; the Healthy Schools Programme; and the Healthy Weight Team.

We support school-aged children including those with identified physical, mental and emotional health needs. We work in partnership with children and young people, parents/carers, education colleagues and other partners. The service also delivers the school-aged immunisation programme in schools.

Please click here to view our current School Health Service Offer.


Monday – Friday 8.30 am – 4.30 pm

Contact Details

North Healthy Child Programme Team

New Moston Library, Nuthurst Road,
New Moston
M40 5SB

0161 241 2813

South Healthy Child Programme Team

Wythenshawe Offices
1 Stancliffe Road, Wythenshawe
M22 4PJ

0161 946 8239

Immunisation Team

Alexandra Park Health Centre
2 Whitswood Close
Alexandra Park
M16 7AP

Office: 0161 529 6549

Duty Phone (mobile): 07973 698166

NCMP (National Child Measurement Programme) Team / Screening

Alexandra Park Health Centre
2 Whitswood Close
M16 7AP

0161 529 6550

Vulnerable School Children Team

Alexandra Park Health Centre
2 Whitswood Close
M16 7AP

0161 209 9956

Manchester Healthy Schools Programme

Wythenshawe Offices
1 Stancliffe Road,
M22 4PJ

0161 946 8270                                                                                                                                                            

Healthy Weight Team

Wythenshawe Offices
1 Stancliffe Road,
M22 4PJ

Social Media


Healthy Schools @mcrhealthysch

Healthy Weight @mcrhwt

Immunisations @Immsteammcr





Manchester School Health Service

Service Access and Referral

Self-referral (children, young people, parent/carer) – via school.

Additional information

42nd street supports young people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health free and confidential information for under 25s

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, free and confidential supporting mental health

Brook for young people – free and confidential information for under 25s

Connexions information and advice for young people.

Eclypse is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for young people under 19 and families in Manchester

Manchester Parent Carer Forum works to represent the “voice” of parents and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Talk to Frank Talk to Frank provides an A to Z list of substances explaining their appearance, effects, health risks, the chances of getting hooked, and the basics of UK law. Via an MSN messenger drug users can ask the ‘Frank Bot’ any questions 24/7

The Proud Trust provides information and advice for young people who identify as LGBT

The Samaritans provides support and advice for anyone in time of need

Department of Health and Social Care –

Department for Education –

Healthy Child Programme  –

Manchester Healthy Schools –

The Manchester Local Offer (Disability and Special Educational Needs) – The Manchester Local Offer brings together information in one place. It helps children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25 and their parents understand what services and support they can expect locally. This includes their statutory entitlements which are required by law.