Preparation for Adulthood (Transitions)

Preparation for Adulthood (Transitions)

We are citywide team that collaborates with young people and their network to create a personalised plan that addresses the individual’s specific needs, goals, and aspirations as they move into adulthood.

The service is also referred to as the ‘Transition Service’ used to describe the transfer of care and support for vulnerable young people from Children’s Social Care to Adult’s Social Care. The aim is to ensure a seamless transition, providing necessary support and services during this important life stage.

Supporting young people who may have additional needs to prepare for adulthood is firmly rooted in Children’s and Adults legislation and Statutory Guidance across social care, health, and education. This is everybody’s business and key to getting this right is person centred practices. This includes co-producing with young people and families about what this support needs to look like. We work in partnership across education, health and social care, commissioning and the voluntary sector.

Preparing young people for adulthood is a collective effort involving individuals, families, educational institutions, social services, healthcare providers, employers, government agencies, and community organisations. Effective collaboration among these groups is essential to ensure that young people have the knowledge, skills, and support they need to successfully transition into adulthood.

To benefit from a transitional pathway, referrals are needed as early as possible. Our pathway is accessible to young people:

  • From age 14 years to 16 years – if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
  • Age 16 years to 17 years and 9 months – at this age whether they have an EHCP or not.
  • Age 17 years 9 months and over – not via the Transitions Service, all referrals instead need to be made via Manchester Contact Centre.

Many of our young people present with special educational needs and disability, including diagnoses of:​

  • Physical disabilities​
  • Learning disabilities
  • Communication needs​
  • Neurodivergence​
  • Life-limiting conditions​
  • Acquired brain injury​
  • Lifelong health conditions​.

A leadership team has been created consisting of a Service Manager, (with extensive experience and background in leading operationally and strategically in Transition), a project manager to develop a coordinated preparation to adult hood approach, two (2) team managers and a Senior Social Worker to support the Social Work team transition young people seamlessly from children to adult services ensuring timely assessment and planning and skill development based on the principals of preparing for adulthood outcomes.

Preparation for Adulthood Action Plans

We aim to work with the young person to create a Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) Plan. This is an action plan that details what needs to happen for a young person to reach their goals and aspirations. It is drawn up in collaboration with the young person and their network.

Some of the aspects a PFA plan will consider are developing independence, post-school goals, employment options, education options, links to community services, home / living arrangements, roles and responsibilities, rights and information.

Care Act Assessment

Once all preparation for adulthood work has been completed, for some young people it may be appropriate to have a statutory assessment of their needs.

A Care Act Assessment assesses a young person needs once they are 17-18+ years old. It will look at what might prevent a young person from meeting the following TEN outcomes

  • Managing and maintaining nutrition
  • Maintaining personal hygiene
  • Managing toileting needs
  • Being appropriately clothed
  • Being able to make use of their home safety
  • Maintaining a habitable home environment
  • Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • Accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
  • Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community, including public transport, and recreational facilities or services
  • Carrying out any caring responsibilities the adult has for a child

If a young person has needs in two or more of these areas, and it is significantly impacting on their wellbeing, they may be entitled to help and support from Adult Social Care.

Following on from a statutory assessment, the local authority would create a support plan that detailed the appropriate services that can support the YP to meet their needs.

Alternatively, a Direct Payment can be arranged whereby the YP sources their own support (this can give people more control over their support).

The service operates Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:30.
The duty line can be contacted during these times on 0161 234 3989.

Out of hours queries/safeguarding concerns go through the MCC Contact Centre.

The Manchester Local Offer brings together information in one place. It helps children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25 and their parents understand what services and support they can expect locally. This includes their statutory entitlements which are required by law.

Our Local Offer SEND Information Hub is a specialist resource with a menu in a range of categories, including Education, Short Breaks and stuff to do.

We can only accept referrals from Children’s Services, or via Education, Health and Care planning process.

Referrers should complete the referral form and send it to:

Referral form: Transitions Referral Form (Word doc, 33KB)

Visit this page is for young people, their families, and carers, who might need a little bit of extra help and support as they grow up. This information aims to help you get ready for becoming an adult. It is about all the support and services already in your community.

Supporting young people in Preparing for Adulthood webpage.