Manchester Case Management (MCM) – South Manchester
The Manchester Case Management (MCM) Service is a team of expert and highly skilled qualified NHS and social care professionals including Nurse case managers, GP’s, Pharmacists, Social workers and Mental health practitioners who specialise in supporting patients and their families/ carers who have complex long term health conditions and social needs. MCM South communicate and coordinate patient care with primary and secondary care services to help achieve patient-focused goals and improve health.
For our patients in South Manchester, we aim to:
- Improve health
- Educate and increase patients/ their families’ knowledge of their long-term conditions
- Reduce hospital admissions
- Encourage and support with independence and self-care
This is a non-emergency service which specialises in helping people with the chronic management of long-term conditions. Patients are 18 years or over and registered with a South Manchester GP. MCM work according to the patient’s health goals providing education, promoting self-management and signposting to required services.
- Patients referred to the service will have complex long-term conditions and at high risk of hospital admission with increased use of secondary services.
- Patients referred to the service who would benefit from more time and support in self-management of their complex physical and mental health long-term conditions.
- Patients who are willing to engage with lifestyle changes and to understand and learn about how to manage their long-term health conditions.
- Patients must be registered with a South Manchester GP
- MCM South support patients for approximately 3-6 months
- We have a person-centred approach to prioritise individual patients’ needs
Contact information
Phone: 0161 241 3816
Service Lead: Gemma Hurst
Senior Nurses: Anthony Tidman and Josie Mayola
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. (No Bank Holidays or Weekends)
Patients do not self-refer. Referrals to the service can be made by community teams such as Crisis Response as well as District Nurses and GPs. Please find a referral form below.
The patient must:
- Be over 18 years old
- Be registered with a South Manchester GP
- Not be in end stages of life
- Not be referred with an acute mental health condition
Who can refer?
- South Manchester GP practices
- Community-based services
- Hospital discharge teams
Referral form: Manchester Case Management South Referral Form [Word Doc approx 43KB]